Arabic 8

Every, All, Some, Both by using idafa construction

Every student 

كلُّ  طالبٍ

Every family

كلُ  العائلةِ

The whole family

العائلة  كلُها

All articles

كلُ  المقالاتِ

All articles

جميعُ  الطلابِ

All of them


All of them, together


All students (less frequently)

الطالباتُ  كافةً

All students

كافةُ  الطالباتِ

At the same time

في نفسِ  الوقتِ

At the same time (more eloquent)

في الوقتِ   نفسه

He himself/by himself


Some of the students

بعضُ   الطلابِ

Some of them


Several students

عدَّةُ    طلابٍ

One of the male student

أحدُ   الطلابِ

One of them


One of the female/woman students

إحدى   الطالباتِ

The rector as well as the teachers and students

كلٌ من المدير و المعلمين  والطلبة

A student of the teacher/a student out of the students of the teacher

طالبٌ من  طلاب المعلمِ

A member of the Arab delegation

عضوٌ  من  أعضاء  الوفد  العربي 

The appropriateness of the policy of the government of the country 

صحة  سياسة  حكومة   البلد

 Both men came

جاء كِلا  الرجلان

Both of them came 

جاء  كلاهما

I have said to both men

قُلت  لِكلي   الرجلين

Both women came

جائت   كلتا   المرأتين

I visited both states
زرت  كِلتي   الدولتين.

We talked to both of them
تكلمنا مع   كِليهما

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